We strive to collaborate with as many campus and community partners to provide sustainability programs and initiatives. On campus we want to integrate sustainability into the curriculum by partnering with academic affairs to create dynamic experiential learning opportunities and sustainability literacy. We want to integrate sustainability into the campus culture by partnering with and supporting other campus departments in sustainability projects and programming.
可持续发展运动建立在一个强大的社区基础之上. We want to work with and support other community members and organizations in sustainability programming and culture building.
校园可持续发展月 is a nationwide celebration of sustainability on college campuses. 通过国家 AASHE 组织,这次活动的目的是强调可持续性. We intend to have programming and opportunities for all ISU community members to learn about sustainability on campus, 在社区里, 在他们潜在的职业生涯中.
如果你想主持或合作校园可持续发展月的活动, 请电子游戏试玩 ISU-可持续性@bocci-life.com.
地球日 is a national celebration of the land that we collectively inhabit and its purpose is to recognize our impact on the land. ISU has celebrated 地球日 for the past ten years with a large gathering of students, 工作人员, 教师, 社区成员. This celebration has expanded beyond the one-day event into a week long celebration with multiple events. We work with many campus and community partners to put on these events and have a breadth of sustainability experiences during the week.
Earth Week has programs and activities that celebrate and provide education about sustainability centered on the wellbeing of our society, 经济, 和地球. 我们的规划以可持续发展的三个组成部分为中心——社会, 环境, economic - and the interconnected systems that impact healthy and sustainable communities. We also want to highlight and uplift campus and community events that focus on the wellbeing of our society, 经济, 和地球.
你可以找到2021年之前事件的例子 在这里.
If your organization or department would like to participate in any events or would like to put on your own events and have support from our office, 请与可持续发展办公室联络 ISU-可持续性@bocci-life.com
禁忌的话题 is a programming series centered on facilitating dialogue about topics people often avoid having conversations about. 多元文化服务 & 项目, 荣誉学院, and our office work to provide three of these events every semester. 每个禁忌话题活动邀请一位演讲者, 面板, or other educational activity during the first half and then engaging conversation around the topic presented happens during the second half.
十月——人民公园 & 正义与博士. Kera洛弗尔 (记录放大) - 人民公园在美国各地都很常见,事实上印第安纳州的布卢明顿就有一个. What is not common is the knowledge and conversation about justice movements that underlie the creation of these parks. 种族正义, 环境正义, 对于目前的住房正义问题,这些公园是激进运动的场所. Join us to learn about the history of these parks and join in conversation about what can be done.
- 11月-取消
- 二月-我们社区的食物公正- (记录放大) Food justice is a perspective that the food system needs to provide equitable access to nutritious and fresh food and that this is a human right. 在与劳伦贝恩斯的讨论中,学生健康促进主任,牧师. 联合校园事工的道恩·布莱克, 还有波琳娜·卡尼卡, 博士生, we talk about the various injustices in our food system and how folks can get involved in making a more sustainable system.
- March - Representation Matters - During the month of Women's 历史 Month and Disability Awareness Month, we are going to have a discussion about how representation matters in all aspects from media to education to business and more.
- 四月——男人 & 男子气概-关于有毒男子气概的对话和研讨会, 我们社区的男性化, 以及我们如何制定这些行为.
营造可持续空间 at ISU is important to helping our institution uphold its commitment to sustainability and reducing our greenhouse gas emissions. This program is intended to be a departmental level reporting tool that is avaialble for general office guidelines. It is based off a national metric that many other institutions across the US are utilizing.
1. Determine how sustainable they're operational behaviors and actions are in a clear metric
2. 确定明确和可行的方法来改善他们的可持续性运营
3. 对他们正在做的和正在努力的工作给予认可
该机构的任何成员都可以参加这个项目. 所需要的只是校园里一个可以被定义为“办公室”的物理空间。. 办公室可以是一个单独的封闭办公室、一个小组或整个部门. 任何ISU办公室的成员都可以在该计划中注册他们的办公室, 但是,应该寻求负责监督的个人的直接支持.
每个办公室负责确定一个关键的人来完成 认证. 该负责人将完成认证清单, 哪个是易于使用的excel电子表格. 一旦清单完成,您将把它发送给可持续发展协调员. They will contact you to talk about some of the items on the 认证 and ensure that items are verified. 一旦所有项目都被核实, 您的办公室将被纳入报告办公室,并获得认证印章.
继续参与可持续空间计划, 各办事处应于每年发证周年日重新发证. 这是通过更新认证检查表实现的.
If you would like to learn more about the 可持续发展空间 Program or have questions about the 认证 process, 请与 O可持续发展办公室.
The 可持续发展办公室 puts on monthly professional development workshops for all at ISU. The 午餐学习 are meant to provide education and conversation about campus sustainability issues 在这里 at ISU. These workshop sessions build a sustainability network across ISU and intend to spur conversation outside this space about sustainability.
电子游戏试玩成为美国第60所大学 Bee USA校园认证. 美国蜜蜂校园 fosters ongoing dialogue to raise awareness of the role pollinators play in our communities and what each of us can do to provide them with healthy habitat. 美国蜜蜂校园项目支持一系列承诺, 在应用程序中定义, 为传粉昆虫创造可持续的栖息地, 哪些对养活地球至关重要. Katlin Childress是我们认证背后的推动力. One of the responsibilities of this 认证 is the maintenance of a pollinator committee. 如果你有兴趣成为委员会的一员,请联系 ISU-可持续性@bocci-life.com.
这是国际滑联第12次参加 校园零浪费竞赛. 校园零浪费竞赛 is an annual recycling competition that takes place in the spring. The purpose for the competition among hundreds of universities across the United States and Canada is to increase recycling rates on campus and reduce our waste.
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